Nitrite Free

Smoked Pepper Bacon

8-14 Oz. Pkgs.

Nitrite Free<p>Smoked  Pepper Bacon</p> <p>8-14 Oz. Pkgs.
Item Number: N117
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Detailed Description

Broadbent Nitrite-Free Smoked Pepper Bacon. 8-14oz packages. * This product is currently unavailable in California (Proposition 12 Regulation) & Massachusetts (940CMR36:00 Regulation). 

This bacon is dry cured with "All Natural" ingredients. With careful monitoring, we have achieved the same old-fashioned flavor without the nitrite, then coated it with course pepper.

Do not be alarmed if your products are warm when they arrive.

Broadbent Country Bacon is a Salt- Cured product and will be Salty in nature. It does not require refrigeration. It has a shelf life of three months. To achieve the ultimate shelf life and quality of the product, we recommend refrigerating for up to 4 months. This product is also freezable for up to 12 months. All products are USDA inspected and meet all USDA shipping requirements for safety.

 Product ReviewsClick here to review this item
The Best Ever Bacon 12/13/2022
This is the bomb. No matter what bacon you buy here, you will love. This pepper bacon adds another layer of flavor, but it's not too hot or spicy tasting. Just so good!
- Sandy, IN