
Snackin Supplies

Broadbent's <p> Snackin Supplies </p>
Item Number: 503
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Detailed Description

Broadbent Snackin' Supplies

This delicious selection combines a generous array of Snackin' favorites like a 1 lb. Peppered Pork Tenderloin, a 12 oz. roll of Smoked Summer Sausage and an 8 oz. block of Smoked Cheddar Cheese. Then we top all of this off with an 8 oz. package of our Premium Country Ham Slices and a jar of our Sweet & Tangy Mustard!

This Bundle is a snacker's dream come true. These ready-to-eat foods are Perfect for Game Day Snacks, Picnics, Camping, or even Hiking!

* Do not be alarmed if your products arrive warm. These products can be outside of refrigeration for up to 10 days for transpertation. Please refrigerate all items of this bundle once recieved. Please freeze the Prok Tenderloin if you do not plan to use it within the first week of recieving it. All product shelf lifes are USDA Inspected and Approved for your safety.

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