Maplewood Smoked

Bacon Slab

4-5 Lbs.

Maplewood Smoked<p>Bacon Slab</p><p> 4-5 Lbs.
Item Number: 103
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Detailed Description

Broadbent Country Maplewood Bacon Slab.

* This product is currently unavailable in California (Proposition 12 Regulation) & Massachusetts (940CMR36:00 Regulation). 

A favorite of any true Country Bacon lover that prefers to slice thier own! These delicious slabs weight between 4-5lbs and are pulled right out of the smokehouse at their peak, and shipped straight to you to slice, fry, and enjoy.

Do not be alarmed if your product are warm when they arrive.

Broadbent Country Bacon is a Salt-Cured product and will be salty in nature. It does not require refrigeration. It has a shelf life of three months. To achieve the ultimate shelf life and quality of this product, we recommend refrigerating for up to 6 months. This product can also be frozen for up to 12 months. All products are USDA inspected and meet all USDA shipping requirements for safety.