Mom Blakeman's

Pulled Creams

8 Oz. Pkg

Mom Blakeman's <p>Pulled Creams <p>8 Oz. Pkg
Item Number: 303B
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Detailed Description

Broadbent Pulled Cream Candy

An old-fashioned confection! Years ago, people use to take the marble top off their washstand or dresser and take it outside in the winter so the marble would get cold. They would cook the candy, then pour the hot candy on the cold marble and let the candy cool enough for them to pull it by hand! After the candy was pulled, it was cut into pieces and placed in a warm area where it "creamed" into a devide treat!

These Mom Blakeman's Pulled Cream Candy are individually wrapped for freshness. Available in 8 oz. tubs. May not be available from May- September. Dates may vary according to temperatures and distance that the package will ship. Call for details.